club 41 hungary

The Association of Ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs in Hungary

AGM 2024 | 27–29. 09. 

Feri „Frankie” Szabó
   +36 70 543 9065

Gábor  Dolinszky   +36 30 620 1252

Daniel PASSBACH   +49 170 3211853

Kálmán MOLNÁR   +36 20 921 8426

About us

41 Club was formed in 1945 to provide a way for members of Round Table to continue their friendships after retirement from Round Table at the then obligatory age of 40. In Hungary 41 Club formed in Budapest, in 2015. There is currently one aktive table in Budapest.

agm 2024

See the detailed program!


The Round Table Hungary has several charitable actions, the largest of which is „MaciAction” – Bear Action.

Vajdahunyad Castle

kép 15 / 15

Friday Evening

AGM Official | Unilever